
The exploratory space that analyzes the audio revolutions in our daily lives.

From fundamental discoveries to their concrete applications, from major industry trends to the possibilities of tomorrow.

This Blog offers a keen interpretation of a technological and creative world in constant motion.

Through this Blog, we share with you the vibration that drives experts and journalists.

How is sound going to transform our uses in the automotive industry?

The audio drives the automotive industry. Vehicles and sound have always been linked together. For mechanic purposes for starting, but not only. Challenges of security has slowly developed in the industry, and audio sounded very quickly as one of the most efficient technologies to help drivers and protect the others.


Podcast, Clubhouse, streaming…
– article in French –
Why do we only have eyes for sound?


2021 – 2026: the great epic of musical AI.
– article in French –

Which transformations to come and which audio solutions for gaming?

Along with leading actors from the US, the industry of video gaming is showing a growing interest in audio. Apple Arcade has recently ordered musical games and new devices such as Alexa are also turning to games evolving around sound. It is more than just a trend or a fad.

01 Net

Made in France: the new GoPro application beats to the rhythm of blue-white-red algorithms.
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– article in French –
From Barilla to Netflix, from Bugatti to Twitter, brands and media are multiplying their initiatives around audio. Let’s take a look at ten striking, innovative or simply amusing examples.

France Musique

Streaming : at Ircam, a new tool to promote musical discoveries.
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How L’Oréal made a perfume audible with IRCAM Amplify?
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Artificial intelligence: at Ircam, the machines speak.
Realistic synthetic voice, advanced voice recognition… Under the impulse of structures like Ircam Amplify, robots are giving voice.
This is enough to whet the appetite of investors. And worry?
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It is a research institute that has an impact on our daily life… IRCAM and Ircam Amplify are specialized in acoustics, from artificial voices to music recommendation algorithms… The most unexpected sounds are analyzed. It is one of the largest organizations in the world.
Adrien Lac pushed the doors of Ircam.

Le Monde

The algorithm, the new tube machine.
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3 out of 4 French people say that everyday sounds have an effect on their mood.
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