Editorial Responsibility

  • Publication Director: Nathalie Birocheau, Executive Director of Ircam Amplify
  • Publication Manager:  Marion Laporte, Director of Brand & Community of Ircam Amplify

Ircam Amplify
1 place Igor Stravinsky
75004 Paris


Website Creation Team

Given that innovation cannot be created on demand, but is something that is built up, given life and explored through complementary expertise and talents, which are collectively mobilised to explore new frontiers and invent in doing so…

Given that Ircam Amplify stands by its commitment to a multidisciplinary approach, its work in proximity with the creators of our time, who bring their expertise and incomparable creativity to the table…

… It was our wish to assemble a team collaborating across multiple disciplines, during a period of lockdown, to collectively create a site that both resembles us and meets your needs.

  • WebGL Animation: Léon Denise
  • Sound Design : Emmanuelle Zoll, Fabien Bourlier and Romain Barthélémy

Site Editor

Ircam Amplify
1 place Igor Stravinsky
75004 Paris


Siret : 85208525700016


2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix


All texts, photographs, videos, audio files and other content on the Ircam Amplify Website are protected by copyright and are the property of Ircam Amplify or of a third party that has authorized the use of these materials by Ircam Amplify. Ircam Amplify expressly prohibits the copying of any protected materials on this website as defined in French copyright law.

Any unauthorized use or modification of the materials on the Website—entire or partial—may violate copyright laws. It is not authorized to use, modify, or transform entire or partial works, distinctive signs, or databases protected by copyright by Ircam Amplify, without express consent. Doing so violates article L 122-4 of French copyright law (Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle).

Photo copyrights

All photos on the website are ©Géraldine Arestaneanu for Ircam Amplify unless otherwise specified in the publication.

Privacy policy

In order for you to visit our website with peace of mind, we, Ircam Amplify, acting as controller, hereby expose how we collect, process and use your personal data with due regard to your rights. Visit the dedicated page for details.