Production Tools

The best of IRCAM at your disposal

IRCAM amplify relies on IRCAM’s technologies to provide licensed components for sound analysis, processing and synthesis.

IRCAM’s know-how and scientific expertise enable these technological tools to generate very high-quality results that are unmatched in terms of rendering. Moreover, the creative approach specific to IRCAM provides a distinctive and differentiating aspect to the algorithms developed, a true asset designed by and for artists and sound creators.

Technologies available under license

  • Time Stretching / SuperVP is a signal processing library based on a sophisticated phase vocoder. It allows a large number of signal transformations with very high sound quality, with the best rate of time-stretching transformation on the market.
  • Spatialization / SPAT: IRCAM’s Spatializer, a real-time spatialization program, integrates a powerful reverb engine and adapts to all playback systems, from the simplest to the most sophisticated.
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