This scalable solution anticipates the future of music using the latest data analysis and artificial intelligence techniques.

Thanks to today’s technology, music consumption has become fundamental to consumer’s daily lives: available anywhere, anytime, to consumers who expect exceptional quality and an infinite selection. Given this unprecedented access to music, data has become essential for the music industry. Data is integral to every part of the process, from musical composition to dissemination and broadcasting. Music data can also allow creators, streaming platforms, distributors, and labels, to better promote and share music.

To help the music industry meet this need for data, Ircam Amplify has created MetaSound, a scalable solution that supports music distributors and broadcasters in assessing and projecting music consumption through cutting-edge data analysis and artificial intelligence.

The MetaSound solution originated from research conducted at the famous Institute for Acoustic/Music Research and Coordination (Ircam) and is backed by:

  • Unparalleled expertise and knowledge
  • The most advanced audio quality indexing and analysis technologies
  • A perfect balance between purpose, technology, and creativity

MetaSound can automatically identify and extract data from any piece of music and check its quality instantly. Using machine learning, MetaSound can categorize musical catalogs with millions of titles, according to specific user or distributor needs.

MetaSound opens up numerous possibilities for new music listening experiences, including:

  • The discovery of new artists thanks to connections created between titles from different genres
  • Smart, customizable, and contextualized playlists that go beyond linear playlists available now
  • Guaranteed certification of HD content for 5G and high-quality devices

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